We had our first t-ball game on Thurs, Sept. 4th. It was great! You can only imagine what it was like with 5 and 6 year old boys. Some had played before and knew what to do and some were out in left field the entire time (figuratively speaking of course!).
Jackson got hits all three times he was at bat without using the baseball tee. Surprisingly enough, he actually has pretty good hand- eye coordination.
He was very concerned about loosing his helmut so he was constantly checking it and holding onto it.
He played 2nd base for most of the game. He took
it very seriously until a ball actually came his way!
Anxiously awaiting a ball!
His team...the Hammers. Don't ask. They couldn't decide on a name so this game they were the Hammers. Next game they will choose something else.
All of the boys like to "break it down" after the game. They really just enjoy yelling.
Gaga got to come to the first game! Of course it rained on us for a few minutes, but we had fun clapping for Jackson and his teammates.
Jackson in his "PFP" stance (perfect field position).
Jackson in his uniform. Can you tell he was excited and proud??
He wanted me to take a picture of the back of the uniform and his number. He wanted 5 but it was not available according to him. So he chose 6 since he is going to be 6 on his next birthday.