Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jackson's 1st t-ball game!

We had our first t-ball game on Thurs, Sept. 4th. It was great! You can only imagine what it was like with 5 and 6 year old boys. Some had played before and knew what to do and some were out in left field the entire time (figuratively speaking of course!).

Jackson got hits all three times he was at bat without using the baseball tee. Surprisingly enough, he actually has pretty good hand- eye coordination.

He was very concerned about loosing his helmut so he was constantly checking it and holding onto it.

Say cheese while on 3rd base! He was very proud that he made it to third. We didn't have the heart to tell him that everyone made it to 3rd base. Even if they were tagged out, they still got to run the bases!

He played 2nd base for most of the game. He took
it very seriously until a ball actually came his way!

Anxiously awaiting a ball!

His team...the Hammers. Don't ask. They couldn't decide on a name so this game they were the Hammers. Next game they will choose something else.

All of the boys like to "break it down" after the game. They really just enjoy yelling.

Gaga got to come to the first game! Of course it rained on us for a few minutes, but we had fun clapping for Jackson and his teammates.

Jackson in his "PFP" stance (perfect field position).

Jackson in his uniform. Can you tell he was excited and proud??

He wanted me to take a picture of the back of the uniform and his number. He wanted 5 but it was not available according to him. So he chose 6 since he is going to be 6 on his next birthday.

Bath Time fun and more...

Cooper loves bathtime even though it is in the kitchen sink! For some reason this night he would lower his head and then raise it up and just grin. He did that alot. He also loves to splash. The wall and I end up taking a bath along with him!

Here is that cute (but
mischievous) grin!

Cooper wouldn't sit still long enough for me to get his picture in his robe. That is the story of our lives. It has taken two of us to change his diaper before!

Ainsleigh loves her bathtime too. She splashes but not as much as Cooper. She just wants the entire neighborhood to know she is taking a bath. She usually just squeals....loudly!

She loves her robe! She is usually on the move, but actually sat still enough for me to get a few pictures.

Cooper looks cute in his big brother's cowboy hat.

Ainsleigh likes Jackson's Thomas hat.

I think she is going to really love

playing trains with him soon.

Ainsleigh just recently started this new trick but would only wave to my dad or Taylor. I tried and tried to get her to wave in his video, but she wouldn't. All Taylor had to do was say her name and she immediatly waved!

Busy, Busy, Busy

Life with two babies who are crawling has been interesting to say the least! They are curious about everything which is great, but can be exhausting at the same time. We broke down and bought a "kiddie corral" much to my dismay. I really don't like them, but it has become a necessity at times.

Cooper and Ainsleigh love the rocking horse that Kirby Krauss made. I work with his wife Gay Nell at Vanderbilt. We have nicknamed the horse "Racer" in honor of Murray State! Go Racers!!!

Jackson can even fit in Racer along with George
the monkey and Elmo!

Our friend Addy is practicing being a big sister. Her baby brother OR sister is due in Feb. At first we thought she might need both, but that isn't going to happen!

Ainsleigh is on the move. We think she would prefer to walk, but she just doesn't have that down yet. She crawls sometimes, but mainly still scoots. It isn't pretty, but she gets where she needs to be and quickly.

We thought Ainsleigh was going to be the one we had to watch, but I think we were mistaken. She is very vocal no matter what she is doing. Cooper on the other hand is very quiet and sneaky! He is as fast as lightning and do esn't get discouraged easily. We could move him away from something 100 times and he would keep trying to get to it!