Thursday, November 13, 2008

Miscellaneous Cute Pics!

All Jackson wants for Christmas.... his two front teeth! Yes, that is right, he lost number 2 at school this week. He now has a big hole right in the front of his mouth. It makes him look so big and makes me so sad!

Cooper loves bathtime!

Ainsleigh loves bathtime too.

All three enjoyed splashing around and playing with their toys!

Ainsleigh and Cooper in their toy basket having fun.

These two are too silly!

I swear Ainsleigh and Cooper can hear the dishwasher or fridge open a mile away. As soon as I open either one, I have both babies at my feet. They love to empty either one!

Cooper being silly. He is getting another bottom tooth.

Washington DC Trip

The day after Halloween Taylor, Jackson and I left for Washington DC. I had a 3 day meeting and we stayed a couple of extra days with Papa and Grandma. They live in Alexandria VA. This was Jackson's first trip on an airplane believe it or not and he was so excited! He wanted to pack his suitcase 2 weeks before the trip and he practiced pulling it around the house. His preschool teacher, Ms. Kathy, gave him a disposable camera for his trip. He took all kinds of pictures and believe it or not, they turned out pretty well. Our scanner is acting up so none of them are on the site right now.

Getting ready to take off on Southwest Airlines. Jackson made sure everyone knew we were flying "Southwest".

Jackson and Grandma checking out the bunny rabbits at the National Zoo. It was huge and very, very pretty.

These goats cracked Jackson up! They climbed up on the tree stumps and were snacking on the sticks.

Jackson thought these fish looked funny.

These sea lions were entertaining. They swam around, jumped out of the water and turned flips for snacks.

Jackson loved this Triceratops statue.

Jackson and Papa checking out the bear statue.

These turtles were HUGE! Jackson wanted to ride them like a horse.

This isn't a good picture of the gorilla. These were Jackson's favorite. He and Grandma sat and watched them play forever. There was a baby gorilla that was a little too playful. He kept hitting, throwing hay and picking on the bigger gorillas. They didn't like it and would chase him around the cage. At one point the baby ran into a plexiglass door and fell down. I thought Jackson was going to cry he was laughing so hard!

Jackson was looking at the map to see where we were and where we needed to go. He had it turned upside down at first.

Papa was trying to throw popcorn up in the air so Jackson could catch it in his mouth. I think he only caught one piece. They wasted lots of great popcorn trying!!

Jackson and Daddy watching the HUGE HIPPO!!

Here is a very cute baby hippo.

Papa, Jackson and Grandma at the National Zoo.

Jackson got a zoo train at the zoo. I had to take a picture of him and the train when we got back to the hotel.

The Space Shuttle at the Air and Space Musuem.

Jackson flying a plane.


The Washington Monument. Once Jackson knew what this was, he would point it out all the time.

Waiting for the "MetroRail". This was probably Jackson's favorite part of the whole trip. He got to ride to the "end of the line" and that was the best thing since sliced bread. He told all everyone about going to the end of the line so that he and daddy could go to Mt. Vernon with Papa. We decided that next time we go all we are going to do is get Jackon an all day pass on the Metro and just let him ride. He could get on and off all day long and be happy as a lark!

Looking out the window on the Metro. He loved when he went over bridges, underground and passed other trains. He even knew the, blue, yellow, green. Too funny!

Climbing way too many steps at Mt. Vernon.

Mt. Vernon...George Washington's home. Jackson said it was just some really old house when I asked him about it.

Looking at the cool fence.

We got to see the National Christmas Tree as they were putting lights on it. It was really, really big. I think it came from Montana.

Mommy, Jackson and Daddy in front of the White House before Jackson's meltdown. He had been doing too much and this day was the final straw for him. He threw a fit so we went back to Papa's house and all took a nap!

Papa made us special "Mickey Mouse" pancakes for breakfast.

Jackson in front of the Washington Monument. We walked around it and Jackson counted the flags. Just in case you want to know...there are 50 for the 50 states. Jackson loves this little tidbit of knowledge and loves to share it.

We were waiting for our trip up the Washington Monument and Jackson decided to pose for some pictures. He kept moving around asking me to take his picture. There would have been many more I am sure, but our group was called for our tour. He is such a ham!

Pose number 2.

Pose number 3.

A view of the White House from the Washington Monument. There are lots of people out on the lawn. We found out later that afternoon that President Bush was speaking to a group of people.

Mommy and Jackon in front of the Tennessee WWII monument.

Jackson took our picture in front of the Kentucky monument.

Daddy and Jackson ready for the Dinosaur movie at the IMAX theater in the Natural History Museum. Jackson loved this movie. He kept trying to grab things. He even jumped a few times!

Jackson in his Stegasaurus sweater in front of the "Stegasaurus" bones.

Daddy and Jackson with the "wooly mammoth" like Manny from Ice Age.

Jackson has been working out. He can hold up the Washington Monument.

This is the side of the Pentagon that was hit on 9/11. The benches represent those who lost their lives. I thought this was a very moving tribute.

Jackson watching them fuel and put luggage on the plane.

The view from our plane. Jackson thought it was so cool that we were flying above the clouds!

Jackson got to go into the cockpit as we were getting off the plane. They told him to sit in the pilot's seat but he wouldn't do it. He said there were too many buttons!

Waiting for the limo to pick us up. We parked on the other side of the interstate and this company takes and picks you up in a limo. Jackson was sooooo excited about riding in the stretch limo.

Mr. Cool in the limo. He wanted to "ride backwards". He thought he was hot stuff.