Sunday, August 29, 2010

Water fun

I bet that felt good on a very hot day!

Hanging out on the curb.

Jackson is getting soaked!

Running through the water.

Just a cool picture.

Bubble heads!

First day of 1st Grade

It is so hard to believe that Jackson is in 1st grade. He was ready to go back to school and was very excited to be in Miss Melissa's class. Patrick is the only person from his kindergarten class that is in his 1st grade class too.

All dressed up for his first day of school.

Mom and Jackson

Dad and Jackson

Jackson and Miss Melissa!

Jackson coloring his name on his first day of 1st grade.

Mommy getting ready to leave her first grader!


Cooper in his new winter hat. He liked it so much he wore it around inside for a few days.

Who knows what they are doing!

Strong man....

Sweet kids just coloring and smiling.

She really cracks herself up alot.
Uncle Michael gave this hat to Jackson. But it was purple so Ainsleigh
has claimed it and now it is hers!

Jackson in his cool flight jacket from Papa and Grandma!

Fun in Murray

Ainsleigh in her "silky britches" pajama pants laying in the grass in Mimi and Popsy's front yard. I am not sure why she is in pj's but she ran in circles and would fall down in the grass and just laugh.

Ains and her naked babies in Popsy's chair. She was rocking them to sleep.

Cooper has one of the block containers on his head.

Ainsleigh in her baby doll bed. She will try anything at least once.

PJ fun with friends

We had a cookout one night and it got late. The kids decided to put on their pj's and of course Brendan and Cooper both had on Thomas the Train pj's. They were so excited to "match". Ainsleigh picked out hers and of course she picked out Christmas pj's to wear in July when it was literally 100 degrees!

Addy didn't put on her jammies, but Cooper, Ainsleigh and Brendan did.

The Thomas twins!

Who knows what Ainsleigh was laughing about!

Ainsleigh changed again (I know that is a shock) into her Princess dress and crown.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ainsleigh and Cooper

For those who cannot tell, Ainsleigh has on our old Captain Feathersword costume (from the Wiggles). She somehow got it on like a strapless dress along with two purses. The girl loves to accessorize!

Oooops, mommy left me alone for 2 seconds and I got too much lotion on my hands, legs, floor, etc.

Cooper really didn't want me to take his picture!

Ainsleigh is sitting quietly while Cooper has a moment.