Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dance Party night

Taylor had to work tonight so after a dinner of spaghetti and chocolate chip cookies for dessert, the kids decided we needed to have a dance party. We have a CD that Ms. Sara (Mimi's neighbor) made the kids. It has lots of cool dance songs. We played the cd twice and yes I was dancing like a fool along with the kids. It wasn't until about halfway through the second round that I realized our blinds were still open. I am sure the neighbors were laughing their heads off at us! It wore the boys out. They were asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow. So why is Ainsleigh still awake as I type this post at 9:30???

Below are some of the videos. Sorry about the last one. It is turned the right way in our Kodak folder but when I upload it, it flips back around.

Family Fun Night at Winstead

Friday was Family Fun Night at Jackson's school. Each class chose their favorite book. They decorated their classroom door and dressed up like characters from the book. They wore the costumes for school on Friday and during the day, they had a parade around the school to show off their themes. At night each hallway had a different activity for the kids to do. In the first grade hallway the kids could make bookmarks and the kindergarten hallway had the ever popular Legos. The gym had ring toss, ping pong toss, etc. They even have karaoke for the kids. It was hilarious!!! Winston the Wildcat (the school mascot) was there while we ate pizza. All in all, it was a very fun night.

We didn't have too many "prairie" clothes so Jackson just wore navy pants, a white shirt and a hat he thought looked "old".

Ms. Melissa's door decorated like the back of a wagon. The kids LOVED it!!!

Jackson's picture in the wagon.

Basketball Tournament

We were eliminated in the first round of the tournament. We had an 11th seed so the team we played was pretty good. Jackson played well and definitely gets the "hussle" award. He played hard but was disappointed in the loss. There is always next year!

Jackson's team getting ready to play.

Jackson (in the back) ready to run down the court.

Those darn devil eyes.... I think I need a better camera (hint hint Taylor:-) )

Jackson did get a trophy though!

You can tell that he was one of the taller players on his team.

Jackson and his trophy

Valentine's Party at Winstead

The babes and I went to Winstead for Jackson's Valentine Party. They made hats, played games and made their own ice cream sundaes. Lots of fun!

Jackson and Ainsleigh. She loves sitting with the big kids when we go to parties.

Heads down for a game of "Heart on a String". Someone would hide a paper heart on a string. All that would be showing was the string and the kids had to find it. It was a big hit!

Cooper and his ice cream sundae complete with sprinkles, chocolate syrup, oreos and more sprinkles.

Ains had the same thing but with more oreos.

Jackson in his cool hat.

Ms. Melissa's 1st grade class all dressed up in their Valentine Hats.

Jackson and Ms. Melissa. He LOVES her (as does Ainsleigh and Cooper). The babes made her a heart brownie!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Go Racers!

We headed to Murray to root for the Racers! Everyone was decked out in their MSU gear.
Cooper sat with Mimi most of the game. Ainsleigh refused to have her picture made but she was there in her cheerleading outfit.

Jackson built this very elaborate house out of legos while Mimi and I ran a couple of errands.

The inside of his house even had a spiral staircase!

Look at the cool slide from the roof. It sure is big!

Superbowl fun

Uncle Damon and our sweet little cousin Sierra were in town superbowl weekend. They came over with Gaga for some football fun! It took Sierra a little bit to warm up the the madness of the Riggs house, but soon, she fit right in!

We made cupcakes and then put them together in the shape of a football!

Jackson was an excellent "icer".

It is starting to look like a football.....

Jackson was so proud of our creation. This goes back to me needing to take a cake decorating class!!!!

Gaga with Cooper, Ainsleigh and Sierra. Sierra is about 5 months younger than the babes.

Sierra didn't let Jackson get away with anything. She loved to "wrestle" so she fit right in with my crew.

Sierra taking a picture of me taking a picture of her!

Ahhhh, the three little angels at the top of the stairs.

And then the sliding began. You can see Ainsleigh's hand in the background. It looks like she may have given Sierra a little nudge down the steps.

Watch they come!

Poor Sierra is finally used to the "death hugs" from Ainsleigh and Cooper.

Dora and Diego and Nail Painting

I am not sure where they got this Dora and Diego bit since we don't watch that show much, but today they were pretending to be looking for spiders. They each had sunglasses on and would run up to me and the conversation would go something like this....

Dora: "I don't see any spiders Diego" as she pulled up my pant legs.
Diego: "Are you sure Dora? They are tiny" as he pulled up my other pant leg.
Dora: "Nope, let's go Diego" as they both run off laughing....

Diego with his sunglasses on upside down.

Partners in crime...Dora and Diego

Just a random picture mixed in. Daddy painting Ainsleigh's nails bright pink. She loved it and daddy did a pretty good job!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Random crazy Riggs house fun

These are just some random funny pictures. Remember, we have had lots of snow and cold weather lately and have been stuck inside ALOT. We tend to go stir crazy after a while.

Cooper and one of his many puzzles. He absolutely LOVES to work any kind of puzzle. am going to have to get more. He has mastered all of the ones we have!

Movie and popcorn night while Daddy was working the late shift. Ainsleigh got her pj's on by herself. She likes to mix and match clothes!

This started out as Jackson chasing the babes around in the circle, but they quickly grew bored and went to the toy room. Jackson kept running and ran 100 times through the living room, down the hall, through the dining room then kitchen. Bless his heart, he was really tired when he finally stopped.

Daddy kept laughing every time Jackson ran around the corner.

Ainsleigh all dressed up and dancing which is quite hilarious if you have never seen her. You can't tell, but she has two different princess heels on that make a cool noise when you dance!

Posing with her hip out...don't know why!

What a move sparkle girl!

I can't figure out how to turn this video and it isn't the best quality...sorry! It is worth a look though:)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Jackson's Basketball Game

Jackson's basketball season is coming to an end. He played his last regular season game last Saturday as we will be out of town on the 12th. I think we may have a tournament after the regular season, but I am not sure about the dates. I do feel bad for him because about the time he was finding his groove, the season ended. I think he enjoyed playing and learning. I am betting you will find a baskeball goal in our driveway in the spring time.

Ainsleigh was Jackson's personal cheerleader. She liked to yell, but not really watch the game. She was too busy watching the cheerleaders. Yes, we have cheerleaders at 7/8 year old basketball games!

Cooper had his own jersey like Jackson's!

Ainsleigh got Jackson to play cheerleader with her!

My basketball boys!

The kids love to run around saying "Go Racers" no matter what teams are playing.

Ahhh, the cheerleaders getting ready for their halftime show.

More moves by the cheerleaders.

Ainsleigh loved the "circle time" at the end of their routine.

This is how Ainsleigh sat (the most still of the entire game!) during the half time show. She really did love the cheerleaders. And they wore her favorite color...purple.

Our little superstar...number 5!

Jackson in action.

Getting ready to find out who he would be guarding. Since he is kind of tall for his age, he got stuck with some pretty big boys!

Guarding his man (sorry about the devil eyes, I couldn't get the red eye to fix it).