Saturday, July 9, 2011

4th of July Fun at the Codlings

We went to the Codlings annual 4th of July party. Taylor got to go this year and was put back to work on the grill. Mr. Pancho (as my kids call him) got tons of fireworks this year. I am sure that the whole neighborhood enjoyed them.

The Riggs clan - Cathy (Gaga), Jackson, Kristen, Cooper and Taylor. Ainsleigh was too busy playing and couldn't be bothered with a picture.

Now she wanted her picture taken!

Ainsleigh and Ava playing.

The gals...Kristen, Tiffany and Sonia.

Part of our very cool fireworks!

A Mommy day at the Zoo

We hit the zoo on one of our "mommy days" as the kiddos call it.

We loved seeing the elephants.

The zoo got a new train recently. The kids loved it, but we won't be riding it much at $9 for just a loop or two around a small track!

How sweet is this picture?

The flamingos are new and very entertaining.

Oh Ains.....

Our dear Ainsleigh goes 90 to nothing and slows down for nothing. Not even her big brother on his bike. Yes, she ran right out in front of him and he flat out ran over her. She had tire marks on her legs. Luckily she still had her bike helmet on and I think that saved her head from major injury. She did have this lovely shiner on her temple and a large bruise on her arm. She cried for a few minutes and then immediately stopped when daddy asked her if she wanted a mint!