Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Day...Oh My!!

Wow, what a Christmas! Jackson was up at 3am. He came and woke me up to tell me he couldn't sleep. I went to lay down with him. I fell asleep but he didn't. He woke me back up at 4am to tell me that it was snowing. He finally went to sleep and I didn't feel another poke until about 6:15am! We then had to get the babes, Mimi and Popsy up and going. Things were a blur from then on! There was paper being thrown everywhere and happy shouts as the kids opened up their presents. If you get a thank you note for something you didn't give the kids or the note doesn't include every gift, please know that it wasn't intentional. I just couldn't keep up this year! Michael, Kristin and sweet Duncan came over Christmas afternoon and we opened gifts with them. Since Duncan was so small, Ainsleigh and Cooper helped open her gifts for her. We had fun visiting with them until the weather cut their visit short. The snow started sticking to the roads so they headed out early. All in all ....a wonderful Christmas. As Jackson informed us at breakfast...only 365 days until Christmas!

Our first tree in the bonus room with lots of presents. The tree downstairs was equally as overloaded with gifts.

Jackson's gift from Santa...a telescope. Too bad it snowed the first two nights after Christmas!

Ainsleigh and Cooper's gift from Santa...a Mercedes SUV. Too cute!

Jackson and all of his presents. Way too many!

Ainsleigh with her gifts.

Cute Cooper with some of his gifts. I am not sure where the rest of them are.

Ainsleigh loves her Princess Activity set from Gaga.

A cool car hauler from Gaga. He has logged a bunch of miles already.

Oh my! I am not sure if this gift was for Jackson or Taylor! Daddy had Mimi and Popsy running around looking for the ACDC Paper Jamz. Both "kids" have been rocking to it alot.

The Sole Skate from Papa and Grandma. Jackson rode it in the hallway for two days to perfect his techniques before heading outside!

Ainsleigh loves the books that she and Cooper got from Papa and Grandma.

A new version of Battleship. Pretty cool if I say so myself.

Mickey ornament for our tree next year.

Jackson got two Alabama shirts.

Ainsleigh loved her "warm" jammies from Gaga.

Cooper was our weather man. He kept updating us on the snow all morning. Can you believe we actually had a white Christmas?

Ahhh, the madness!

Cooper really knew what was going on this year.

Ainsleigh and Cooper both had trouble with the bows again this year. They did know how to tear into the paper though.

"Riding" in the car. Santa was smart and didn't put the battery in the car. It took them all day to figure out that it wasn't moving.

I hope Ainsleigh and Cooper won't have to share a car when they turn 16! She was ready to go....her baby, fruit snacks, paci and a Barbie!

Sleeping bags from Uncle Michael and Aunt Kristin. Ainsleigh got a bunny and Cooper got a duck.

They did such a good job sharing...wonder how long that will last.

Snow on Christmas night.

Using lots of gifts....Ainsleigh with her baby in matching jammies from Papa and Grandma sitting in the tent from Uncle Michael and Aunt Kristin watching Loony Tunes cartoons from Gaga. Life is great!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Family Christmas Pictures and a visit with Santa

I have a very dear friend at Vanderbilt who has recently taken up photography. Anne was gracious enough to come to our house and take pictures of the family. I am sure she needed a drink after she left our house since it was so crazy, but we got some really cute shots of the kids. She got to see our sassy Ainsleigh as she refused to have her picture taken a few times. Jackson was her assistant and suggesting poses. It was lots of fun.

Angelic Ainsleigh

Mr. Photogenic

Cute, cute Cooper.

I love this one of the kids. Their lips look so red!

Kristen and her mini-me.

We also headed to Henpeck Market to visit Santa. The babes were not to keen on Santa up close, but Popsy and Jackson told him what they wanted...

Pospy wanted his hair back!

I am not sure what Santa said to make Jackson laugh so much!

Cooper liked Santa alot from my lap!

Jackson and Santa

Making Reindeer Food

We had to make reindeer food for Christmas Eve. This year all three kids got involved. We had lots of red glitter because Ainsleigh decided to pretty much dump most of the tube into our mix!

Getting ready to make our Reindeer food.

Jackson does a great job just sprinkling the glitter into the mix!

He helped add some more green glitter to offset the red pile!

Ainsleigh also dumped a pile in the grass instead of spreading it around. The boys about had a fit. They both tried to spread the pile around for her! What great brothers.

Jackson spreading the food in the front yard.