Monday, February 1, 2010

More snow fun at the hill!

Day 2 of the snow and ice! 16 neighbors, Jackson and I make the trek to the front of the neighborhood to "the hill". It is where most kids go when we get enough snow to sled. I only fell once going to the hill and Jackson fell once coming back. On the way we got to see a mailbox that someone took out as they slid down the street! It was very icy to say the least.

Later on 30 neighbors went to Pancho's (the local Mexican Restaurant) for some food and fun.

"The Hill"

Some of the Cove girls...Ella, Katya, Bella, Lily and Elli

The Cove women sledding down the hill. I am on the bottom on the left side of the sled, Hollie is sitting in my lap, LeAnne and Esther.

We made it to the bottom without breaking anything (including the sled!).

Braden, Jackson and Nate eating snow and drinking hot chocolate.

Some of the Cove boys...Nate, Braden, Evan and Jackson.

Jackson loved the hill.

Bella, Mike and Elli.

Katya, Elli and Bella made it down!

Evan, Jackson and Braden at the bottom of the hill.

Mr. Cool Jackson in his hat and shades.

Chuck and Katya

Jackson and Evan are crazy!

They made it!

Bella on her way back up the hill.

Ella went down no more than a thousand times!

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