Saturday, April 10, 2010

Easter Egg Dying and Hunting

We spent Easter weekend in Murray. The kids had lots of fun and were very happy that the Easter Bunny found them!

Popsy used to make Michael and I a bunny cake at Easter. He made one for Jackson, Ainsleigh and Cooper this year. They loved it.

Cooper coloring eggs.

Ainsleigh made lots of pink eggs, but she did use other colors too.

Wow, that is bright yellow!

Popsy trying to clean up Ainsleigh's mess.

Cool egg Jackson!

Cooper watching his blue egg.

The Easter bunny hides the kids baskets every year and leaves them clues in order to find them. This year Jackson could read most of the clues which was extra fun!

Reading another clue. That bunny had them running all over Mimi and Popsy's house.

Looking for Easter eggs.

Ainsleigh playing in the grass.

Cooper looking for eggs in Mimi and Popsy's front yard.

Looking for eggs!

Jackson, Cooper and Ainsleigh with their baskets.

Cooper doesn't always get his glasses on straight.

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