Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July Fun

For those that didn't hear the maddening crys from Franklin, Taylor had to work the fireworks show in Nashville on the 4th. He had been on the calendar to be off for a while, but they were short and his luck was bad. So, he went to work and the kids and I headed over to the Codlings for some fun. It was a tad wild and crazy to say the least, but we had fun.

Addy and her boyfriend Jackson!

Addy, Jackson, Ainsleigh, Brendan and Cooper. I think Ava was attached to a grandmother at the time of this picture.

Addy and Ainsleigh

Cooper and Brendan being boys!

Cooper and I

Tim had a new grill this year and did all of the grilling himself. Taylor usually helps him.

Jackson missing yet another tooth. He has two others that are loose. We joke that he only going to be able to eat ice cream pretty soon!

Addy wasn't too sure that Brendan and Cooper should be driving the Barbie corvette.

Ainsleigh is talking on her phone to daddy. She is telling about the fireworks and the party.

Cooper wasn't too sure about the fireworks.

So, we ended up inside once they really got going. It was basically a daycare. There were about 9 kids running around inside. Someone came inside and joked that it was louder inside that the fireworks were outside!

Don't ask...Brendan and Ainsleigh ended up IN the toybox together.

Ahhh Ains! Do you like the black and pink skirt, umbrella and arm warmer added to her festive 4th of July outfit??

Cooper really liked this puppy dog.

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