Thursday, June 9, 2011

Yes, we are alive! It is Memorial Day on the Cove.

We are finally back in business! We have had camera problems once again (yes this is the second one since the babes were born). I think little hands get a hold of them which is why Taylor won't get a big nice camera like I want:). Plus the mommy has been way behind lately. Between work, Jackson's baseball schedule, the babes being 3 and a half and preparing for vacation, mom is just pooped! Anyway, we are back at it and have to play catch up.

Memorial Day weekend was fun on the Cove. We grilled out and the kids just ran wild.

Cooper, Ava and Ainsleigh

Look at all of those chairs! We had over 30 people join in the fun. Our neighbor Mike got oysters so some enjoyed some seafood.

The girls set up camp and NO BOYS ALLOWED is what we were told.

The girls playing anything pink and princessy!

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