Monday, October 31, 2011

SCA Fall Fest and Halloween

Wow, Halloween really snuck up on us this year.  We have been talking and even got our costumes early, but never got around to carving the pumpkins for some reason!  We had Southgate's Fall Fest on Friday night, the Pumpkin Festival in Franklin on Saturday, our neighborhood Fall party on Sunday and Trick-or-Treating on Monday.  No wonder I am tired!  The kids had a great weekend and loved dressing up any time they could.  Jackson knew early on that he wanted to be Captain America.  He and his dad even got the "adult" shield because the youth one looked like it was "for a baby".  Cooper was Scooby Doo and  I thought Ainsleigh would make a great aVelma, but she refused.  She talked and talked about which princess she was going to be, but when we went to look at costumes, she fell in love with the Minnie Mouse Cheerleader costume.  I then tried to get Cooper to be Mickey Mouse, but he refused.  Guess the days of coordinating costumes is officially over....

Our Minnie Mouse Cheerleader striking a pose.
That shield is as big as Ainsleigh if not bigger!

Our cute kiddos all dressed up for Fall Fest at Ainsleigh and Cooper's school.

Southgate...we only have one more Fall Fest there...

Ainsleigh getting a feather in her hair.  It only lasted till Sunday.  It didn't fare well wrestling with her two brothers.

The kids are ready to go trick or treating!!

Captain America

Scooby Dooby Doo!

Our Minnie Mouse Cheerleader

"We both have pink and bows"

The girls.. Minnie, Rapunzel, and Hello Kitty

Cooper  couldn't keep up with Ava and Ainsleigh. 

Getting some loot!

Ains got her weight in candy! Apparently, she would take several pieces at a time if they let her.
Jackson went with the bigger kids and hit lots more houses than we did.  He got so much candy, his candy sack broke!

Cooper got lots too!  He was "tired of all that walking" and didn't want to Trick-or-Treat at some houses!

Fun at the Park

 It was a beautiful Sunday morning and we decided to head to the park for some fun.  The kids ran around for a while and I tried to keep up.  Notice there aren't too many pictures of Ainsleigh.  She didn't slow down long enough!

What are those silly boys up to?     
The sweet boys. Jackson really is good to Cooper!

Cooper was so proud.  "I made all o's like in my name:"  He was so proud of himself.

Jackson hanging out like a bat....upside down!
Finally, Ainsleigh slowed down enough to get  all
three kids in one picture!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gentry's Farm

We headed to Gentry's Farm with our neighbors over the kids fall break.  They had so much fun running around together and all got along really well.  

 There were 22 new baby calves on the farm.  One set of twins!

Just a pretty picture of the farm from the hayride.

The kiddos...Lily, Cooper, Ainsleigh, Jackson, Braden, Bella and Elli.

Elli helped keep up with the babes! 

Elli helped Ainsleigh on the tire swing.  Can you tell Ainsleigh thinks she is big stuff??

The girls minus Lily.  She didn't want to have her picture taken.

Braden helped Cooper on the tire swing.  He is a big boy too!

Sweet Cooper!!!

Braden and Jackson on the swing.

Who knew corn and grain would keep kids occupied for so long?? 

The babes!

Angelic Ainsleigh

Most of the gang!

Ring Farm

We headed to Ring Farm to enjoy a lazy Saturday morning. The kids really like this smaller farm. They have a huge slide made out of plastic pipes, a rock pile, a tire pyramid, cotton field and a hayride. We had lots of fun and the kids were tired when we got home.

Jackson coming out of the slide. Those burlap sacks make the kids fly!

Ainsleigh and Cooper....don't they look sweet??

The Riggs kids

Cooper driving the "tractor".

Ainsleigh driving the "tractor".

The corn maze was lots of fun. The kids loved to look for the corn that we could eat...

The Butterfly Release

The second graders learned about the life cycle of a butterfly. They watched this cycle in real life and had about 36 butterflies hatch. Very exciting stuff! They had a Butterfly Release Party at school and the babes and I got to go. It was so much fun!!!

Jackson in his butterfly shirt he made in class.

Ainsleigh and Cooper anxiously awaiting the butterflies.

Mrs. Clayton is helping some of the butterflies out of the net using orange slices.

Jackson has one on his orange slice...look closely

Here is is up close!

Cooper caught one too!

Then he let Ainsleigh see it too.

Those crazy Riggs kids

Here are just some random crazy pics of the kiddos.

Oh Ains. She is not a morning person and it shows everyday. This particular morning she was mad because I wouldn't let her wear an inappropriate outfit to school. Her retaliation was to open EVERY drawer and door in the kitchen.

She did finally get mad enough at me because we were out of OJ that she went back and slammed each door/ drawer shut. Does anyone want to come be our early morning mediator??

Ainsleigh took this one of Jackson.

Jackson and Ainsleigh love to hang out upside down.

You can barely see her face, but you really needed
to see the full ensemble. The girl loves to play dress up!

My handsome boys!!