Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gentry's Farm

We headed to Gentry's Farm with our neighbors over the kids fall break.  They had so much fun running around together and all got along really well.  

 There were 22 new baby calves on the farm.  One set of twins!

Just a pretty picture of the farm from the hayride.

The kiddos...Lily, Cooper, Ainsleigh, Jackson, Braden, Bella and Elli.

Elli helped keep up with the babes! 

Elli helped Ainsleigh on the tire swing.  Can you tell Ainsleigh thinks she is big stuff??

The girls minus Lily.  She didn't want to have her picture taken.

Braden helped Cooper on the tire swing.  He is a big boy too!

Sweet Cooper!!!

Braden and Jackson on the swing.

Who knew corn and grain would keep kids occupied for so long?? 

The babes!

Angelic Ainsleigh

Most of the gang!

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