We had heard in the forecast for days that we would get snow on Thursday continuing until Saturday. Schools closed on Friday in anticipation of the storm. Well, for once, the forecast was right! We ended up with about 4 to 4 1/2 inches of snow on Friday night before it started sleeting and packed the snow into frozen ice rink! Cooper went out Friday and had fun playing in the snow. Ainsleigh didn't really like it. She kept telling me "Mommy, cold" and literally wouldn't walk!
Starting to accumulate on Friday morning.
Starting to accumulate on Friday morning.
Jackson having so much fun!
Cooper and Mom making snowballs. He loved trying to throw them. It was hard with his gloves on though.
Still snowing Friday night.
Ainsleigh taking in the winter wonderland on Sat. morning. She finds the most crazy places to make her nest!
We had built the snowman on Friday but Jackson was too cold to decorate him. So, we went out Saturday morning to decorate him. Well, I had to get a screwdriver to chisel out a hole for his eyes, nose, mouth, arms and buttons! We had lots of ice during the night.
Our neighbors Joey and his daughter Elli sledding.
Ice on our shrubs.