Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 4 - St. Thomas (and New Year's Eve!)

It was raining a little when we got to port, but it cleared up not too long after we started our excursion. We took a "trolley" tour of the island with a stop at the St. Peter Greathouse and them went on a tram to the top of Drake's Peak to take in the view. St. Peter's Greathouse was a private hideaway of the super-rich with classic Caribbean architecture, native stonework, and panoramic views.

Jackson thought this was a pretty flower.

They had the biggest goldfish in a pond at St. Peter's Greathouse.

Jackson took this picture for Cooper and Ainsleigh. He
thought they would love to see the giraffe.

A view from St. Peter's Greathouse.

It sure was windy!

Jackson took a picture of myself, Taylor, Kathy and John.

Jackson and mom on the trolley.

A view coming down from the top of the island.

Lots of hotels along the coast.

We rode these trams to the top of Drake's Seat to check out the view.

This was another cruise ship that was in St. Thomas the same time as us.

We had to get a closer look at the sailboats and airplanes.

The water was much more blue than this picture shows.

Another pretty view.

Jackson waiting for the tram back down the mountain.

A much needed nap before New Year's Eve.

Lots of boats in the harbor.

Jackson was the official photographer. He took pictures of us on the balcony before New Year's Eve dinner.

A picture of Papa

Jackson, looking very handsome in his cool hat, coat and tie, with his new best friend Dedi.

The most favorite dessert of the entire trip...the 2010 dessert.

Papa and Jackson entertaining themselves.

A special gift from Jess, our wine steward.

Our animal of the day.... we aren't real sure...

Jackson wanted to stay up until midnight so we changed clothes and hit the "party" scene. The ballroom was decorated and full of people. Jackson wouldn't dance, but we watched from the balcony.

Look at all of those balloons! They fell from the ceiling at midnight.

At midnight, the oldest person in the audience and the youngest person got to ring in the new year. The oldest was a 95 year old dancing fool and the youngest was a shy 5 year old!

Happy New Year...we had to bring the hats back home with us.

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